Reliable business partner in Western / Central Europe

About us

Central European countries, such as Slovakia, have a stable and growing economy. The production costs are much lower compared to those in the Netherlands and Belgium and the disposable income increases; So good opportunities for starting your own production / outsourcing and selling your products through regular distribution channels or direct sale. Slovakia has been a member of the EU since 2004, with all the benefits that this entails.

In addition, Central European countries have fantastic quality products, which are still relatively unknown in Western Europe and therefore do not yet reach Western European consumers. The same applies vice versa.

Groenewold International Business stands for groundbreaking international opportunities, without losing sight of the commercial interests of all parties.


Sales agent abroad ?

Sales agent

Purchasing cheaper without concessions ?


How do I find the right importer ?


Economical production in Slovakia ?

Production relocation

Difficult to find skilled staff ?


Your products directly to consumers abroad ?

E-commerce abroad

Are you going on a cross-border adventure with us ?

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